Sunday, September 16, 2007


This is the morning of the of re-enacting at the pioneer village. Quentin is on the left and Levin on the right. We found it sooo much easier to put the children's clothes on that they are going to wear the next day, to just put them on before bed.

Quentin and Levin don't seem to excited to get up!

For the first time, Seleen and I did our presentations in the beautiful Victorian house built in 1905. Sometimes SuZenn and others came to visit us and do needlepoint.

Now upon entering the cabin site Vonn is starting on making a canoe out of some wood he brought along.

Like I said, it was cold! The second day turned out really lovely through it all. Starting on the left is Aaron, Levin, and Tristan, there is Brandon after that but he did not make the shot.

Walking outside SuZenn, Magdalyn, and Rolaun are taking care of the rabbits. It was a great idea for the little ones to do something and the classes always enjoy seeing the pets.

I have finally learned the blogger trick. When you are busy, the time to blog seems impossible. And when you are bored, it seems like you are not by your blog.

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